Its gonna be Christmas SOON!! Ok all along I find that the Christmas decorations in Hong Kong is SOOOOO much better than the ones in Singapore BUT many say that I am Bias n so on so forth. Well... Picture speaks more than a thousand words. So tada here they are~
Location: Telford Plaza
This is the Super CUTE Train Station!!

Ticket Box! I am not a Fan of Teddies... BUT THIS IS JUST TOO CUTE!!

Taking Picture with the Station Staff.. Heh Heh heh.. Feel like a Kid again!~

*OMG SO CUTE!!!* I screamed that out loud (>.<) Everyone was looking at me *Blush*

This is my Teddy Friend Hehe posing beside the mail box~
Hong Kong Mailbox really look like tat
Wondering what is inside the Teddy Express?!?!

Look!!!! How Detailed they are!! Aw...

They even have a Christmas Tree!!! This Teddy Express reminds me of a Romance Story Book.
Love the Story... Read it like 3 or 4 times (@.@)

YES!!! Its a BABY GIRL!!! I can't believe it!!! Ok yes I did squeal in public AGAIN
*Throw Face*

Bar Counter! They have EVERYTHG! Oh! I can think of something they don't hv.... PRESENTS!!

Me taking a Pic with Mr.Telephone hehe
There can't be more right?!?! WRONG!!! They are EVERYWHERE!! They even dressed them up in costumes from different Countries~

The Indian Teddies~ Y are they so white?!?! White Indians?

Ooooo Look the Teddies are peeking at us from above!~

Hm... How many Teddies are there all together?!?! I wonder...

The Japanese Teddies

The Korean Teddies

The China Teddies
Still the most attractive LOL
Hey I wanna dress up like tat too

Hi Hi Prince Teddy!! *Wave*

Aw..... Romantic... Teddies
Ok thats all.. Beautiful Rite!!! Did I prove my point that the decorations in Hong Kong is SOOO MUCH BETTER!!! Still not convinced?!?! Ok Fine.. Here we go again...

LOOK!!! So Loving It!!

The Dancing Teddies move in circles Hahaha

There is a balestier on top!! They are not part of the shopping mall oki!
Just Xmas Decorations!

Me trying to take part in the Ball LOL

~Ferris Wheel~

Hehehe The lil gal was sooooo cute!! She was shaking the teddy's hand Hahaha

Tea Party~ I wanna join too

Yes!! Popcorn! How can a Circus not have Popcorn


LOOK! Grand arnt they! Ok.. all of them MOVE oki! I should have taken a vedio!
Oh if you are wondering... They were playing Christmas Carol Hehe

I was so engrossed in the performance that I nearly missed these lil thgs!!
They have teddy audiences too! CUTE CUTE!!

Hahahaha.... This one over here is Soooo Enjoying it. LOL

Finally.... me with the orchestra backdrop~ Do you people believe me now?!?!!!! The decorations here are so enticing right~~ There is another shopping mall that I wanna go to. They decorated the place with Sanio characters!!! Wee~~ Super Excited! Hm... If I can act like this in Teddy Land... cant imagine my reaction when I go to Sanio Land~
This is only a portion of the album. I shall post the full album on Facebook when I am free!